CIE1002H: Practicum for Comparative, International and Development Education


Supervised experience in an organizational setting related to comparative, international, and development education, under the direction of a CIDE faculty and a professional mentor. The practicum will include not fewer than 40 hours of field placement over a period of one semester. There will be three assignments: 1) Development of a proposal that includes main learning goals, identification of a field site, and selection of a field based mentor; 2) Completion of the practicum itself (40 hours of on-sight work); 3) A final ''portfolio'' assignment that should include some combination of a short reflection paper on knowledge gained during the practicum, and evidence of any work completed during the practicum itself. The practicum is intended to provide students with practical experience and an opportunity to apply skills and knowledge gained from participation in the Comparative, International and Development Education Collaborative program. Arrangements for the practicum placement and selection of a CIDE supervisor are the responsibility of the individual student. The course will be open to students who have completed the core CIDE course, CIE1001H, and at least one other CIDE course.

Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
In Class