CTL7086H: Curriculum and Teaching in Music and Dance


This course develops an awareness of and practice in the arts as a means of personal development and as a learning technique. The philosophy and practice of Music and Dance in education will be explored. The possibilities of conceptual development and expansion of THE CREATIVE PROCESS through the art of Music and Dance with a particular focus on the cognitive, social, and artistic development of the child.

This course is designed to assist teachers in the Primary/Junior Division in the development, implementation and assessment/evaluation of Music and Dance focused learning experiences.

Candidates will explore music through singing, movement, musical games, playing instruments (recorder, percussion, djembes and boomwhackers) and developing their listening skills while at the same time creating, composing and improvising.

Current theories of arts in education will be incorporated as participants plan lessons, consider expectation(s) and implement assessment strategies as outlined in the Ministry documents. The use of Music and Dance as art as well as an INTEGRATIVE methodology for learning across the curriculum will provide a framework for the course.

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
In Class