Developmental Psychology and Education PhD

The Developmental Psychology and Education program offers studies leading to the MA, MEd, and PhD degrees. Students have an opportunity to construct an overall perspective on developmental psychology and human development and their implications for practice with children in educational and other applied settings.

Students take courses in human development and research methodology. Elective courses, chosen in consultation with their advisor, cover a range of areas including cognitive, social, and emotional development; cognition and instruction (language, literacy, and mathematics); special education and adaptive instruction; developmental neuroscience; advanced research methodology and evaluation; and early childhood policy and programs, including child care. The PhD program is designed for students wishing to pursue an academic or research-based career.

The Developmental Psychology and Education program offers both a full-time and a flexible-time PhD program option. Applicants must declare the option for which they are interested in applying. The flexible-time PhD degree program is designed to accommodate demand by practising professionals for a PhD degree that permits continued employment in areas related to their fields of research. Degree requirements for the full-time and flexible-time options are the same.

PhD students have the option of completing an emphasis in Early Learning. Please see details below.

Delivery options: Although not all elective courses are offered in each modality, students may be able to complete the PhD degree program through one of two delivery modes:

  • in-person (students will mainly complete their coursework and other program requirements in-person, with up to one-third of their coursework online); and
  • hybrid (students will experience a mix of modes of engagement, with some of their coursework and other program requirements in-person and between one-third and two-thirds of their coursework online) depending on their choice of elective courses.

Note: students should consult with their faculty advisor and/or graduate liaison officer regarding available options.

PhD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Normally, an appropriate bachelor's degree and a master's degree in developmental psychology and education, cognitive psychology, applied developmental psychology, or child study, with standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A– or better in the master's degree. Applicants with master's degrees in other disciplines such as adult education, anthropology, computer science, curriculum, philosophy, or a profession such as speech-language pathology, nursing, social work, physiotherapy, or occupational therapy may be eligible to apply for admission, but may have to complete additional courses to fulfil master's-level requirements equivalent to the MA in Developmental Psychology and Education. Students who have not completed a master's thesis will be required to submit a Qualifying Research Paper (QRP) prior to final admission to the program.

  • Required letters of recommendation and a second academic letter of recommendation.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • APD3200H Research Proseminar in Human Development and Applied Psychology.

    • 0.5 FCE in statistics and research methods from an approved menu.

    • 1.0 FCE in electives (2 X 0.5 FCE).

    • The 2.0 FCEs are normally completed in Year 1 and should be chosen in consultation with the faculty advisor. Students who have an insufficient background in developmental psychology may have to complete additional courses.

  • A comprehensive examination.

    • The purposes of the comprehensive examination are threefold:

      • To demonstrate the student’s ability to work independently within an area of concern in human development.

      • To gain knowledge of a new area, a new technique or method in a specified area in human development.

      • To demonstrate the ability to integrate information at the accepted standard for a PhD student.

    • Students have two options when fulfilling their PhD comprehensive requirements:

      • Option 1: Empirical Research Paper or

      • Option 2: Internship.

  • A thesis and Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must register continuously and pay the full-time fee until all degree requirements have been fulfilled.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

Mode of Delivery: In person, Hybrid
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Normally, an appropriate bachelor's degree and a master's degree in developmental psychology and education, cognitive psychology, applied developmental psychology, or child study, with standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A- or better in the master's degree. Applicants with master's degrees in other disciplines such as adult education, anthropology, computer science, curriculum, philosophy, or a profession such as speech-language pathology, nursing, social work, physiotherapy, or occupational therapy may be eligible to apply for admission, but may have to complete additional courses to fulfil master's-level requirements equivalent to the MA in Developmental Psychology and Education. Students who have not completed a master's thesis will be required to submit a Qualifying Research Paper (QRP) prior to final admission to the program.

  • Required letters of recommendation and a second academic letter of recommendation.

  • Applicants to the flexible-time PhD option are accepted under the same admission requirements as applicants to the full-time PhD option.

  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are currently employed and are active professionals engaged in activities relevant to their proposed program of study.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • APD3200H Research Proseminar in Human Development and Applied Psychology.

    • 0.5 FCE in statistics and research methods from an approved menu.

    • 1.0 FCE in electives (2 X 0.5 FCE).

    • The 2.0 FCEs are normally completed in Year 1 and should be chosen in consultation with the faculty advisor. Students who have an insufficient background in developmental psychology may have to complete additional courses.

  • A comprehensive examination.

    • The purposes of the comprehensive examination are threefold:

      • To demonstrate the student’s ability to work independently within an area of concern in human development.

      • To gain knowledge of a new area, a new technique or method in a specified area in human development.

      • To demonstrate the ability to integrate information at the accepted standard for a PhD student.

    • Students have two options when fulfilling their PhD comprehensive requirements:

      • Option 1: Empirical Research Paper or

      • Option 2: Internship.

  • A thesis and Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must register continuously and pay the full-time fee until all degree requirements have been fulfilled. They must register full-time during the first four years and may continue as part-time thereafter, with their department's approval.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

Mode of Delivery: In person, Hybrid
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 8 years full-time