CTL1045H: Survey Research


Survey is widely used in quantitative research. When survey is relied on exclusively to collect data in a non-experimental research, it is referred to as a survey research. In this course, we will learn about constructing and validating surveys within a framework that is currently advocated by quantitative research methodologists: Theory-driven using both quantitative and qualitative (mixed) methods. The course content adheres closely to the text Survey Development: A Theory-Driven Mixed-Method Approach (https://www.routledge.com/9780367222338), which encompasses four components: Theory and Methodology, Survey Construction, Assessing Psychometric Properties, and Recommendations. Students are expected to participate in discussions, exercises and a course project pertaining to survey development. Grades are assigned based on performances of these activities. The course is basically quantitative in nature. Even though advanced statistics included in the text are optional reading, basic knowledge and low level of aversion to math and statistics is desirable. With the same token, students should not have a distaste for qualitative data.

For the first cycle of course enrolment this course is available to all CTL students. Any unused spaces will be open to all OISE students after the first cycle.
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
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