The content of this course focuses on work and learning dynamics within professional workplaces and seeks to place these dynamics within their broader social, political, economic and historical context. Themes concerning professionalization, de-professionalization, professionalism, the nature of professional and/or expert knowledge, ethics, identity, knowledge cultures, and the organization of professional labour processes will also be addressed. The first half of the course will review the history of approaches to the meaning and study of professions as well as address key concepts, issues and dynamics of professions and professional work. The second half of the course will focus on leading conceptual issues and research on professional learning dynamics specifically. Students will be encouraged to combine the development of course assignments with existing research projects/goals/interests. The basic elements of a typical week in this course are as follows: 1. Opening lecture video posted by the instructor on Monday evening of each week 2. Group discussion each week (Monday to Thursday) 3. Closing lecture video posted at the end of each week (based on key themes emerging from the discussion groups and related issues from the readings).
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