CTL7018H: Curriculum and Teaching in Science and Environmental Education


This course provides a practical and conceptual introduction to the teaching of Science Education and Environmental Education in PJ and JI. This course consists of lectures, discussions, learning activities and workshops designed to emphasize the expectations, pedagogy, methodology and content of Science and Technology, and Environmental Education across the curriculum in the primary, junior and intermediate (PJ, JI) grades, based on the Ministry of Education curriculum found in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8, Science and Technology (2007), The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 & 10, Science (2008) and Ministry policy, Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow (2009). As an overview, it will introduce theory and practices from a range of related fields, including Science and Technology Education, Environmental Education (EE), Outdoor Education, and Ecojustice Education, drawing on concepts such as Inquiry-based Learning, Sustainability, Systems-Thinking, Equity, Interdisciplinary Design, and Integration. The course provides opportunities to develop a practical understanding of instructional methods and skills through unit and lesson planning, effective use of teaching resources, digital technology, assessment/evaluation strategies, and an exploration of related educational research literature.

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
In Class