Social Justice Education EdD

The Doctor of Education (EdD) degree program is distinct from the PhD in that students are encouraged to orient towards applied and theoretical dimensions of professional educational practice understood as knowledge, teaching, and learning which takes place within or beyond schooling.

The EdD in Social Justice Education (SJE) is ideal for those with an interest in professional and/or voluntary practice in relevant field domains, where there is a relation between theory and practice and where the skills and commitment of dedicated and research-informed practitioners are pivotal to outcomes. Those interested in the degree program will be professionals including teachers, school and community leaders, health and legal professionals, and those working, volunteering, or seeking employment in related fields in social justice education.

The Department of Social Justice Education welcomes applicants with diverse, relevant backgrounds. The EdD program can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Delivery options: EdD programs are delivered in-person with the possibility of completing the program requirements through a hybrid delivery mode — students will experience a mix of modes of engagement with some of their coursework and other program requirements in-person, and between one-third and two-thirds of their coursework online.

EdD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the department's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Admission to the EdD program requires a University of Toronto MEd or MA in education, or its equivalent from a recognized university, in the same field of specialization proposed at the doctoral level, completed with a standing equivalent to a University of Toronto B+ or better in master's courses.

  • Applicants must have the equivalent of 12 months of professional experience.

  • Applicants must submit the following through the online application system; incomplete applications may be subject to processing delays or rejection:

    • A careful response to all Faculty questions in the online admissions application that demonstrates intellectual interests and concerns relevant to the humanities or social sciences, and social justice in education as well as reasons for undertaking a program in the department. Include a statement of preference for one or more faculty members whose research is best matched to the student's research interests.

    • Two letters of reference, preferably from university instructors with whom the applicant has studied or worked; the second letter of reference may be written by a work-based supervisor.

    • At least one sample of written work that demonstrates engagement with the humanities or social sciences, and social justice in education.

    • Resumé that provides clear and complete information about the applicant's work or field experience related to their proposed studies.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Required half course: SJE3997H Practicum in Social Justice Education (72 hours).

    • Subject to consultation with a faculty advisor, SJE3905H Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research: Theory and Praxis is recommended.

    • Students who have completed the recommended course SJE3905H must take 3.0 other FCEs, of which at least 1.5 FCEs must be SJE courses.

    • Students who are registered in an optional collaborative specialization may apply to have their SJE course requirement reduced by 0.5 FCE.

    • Students must consult with their faculty advisor before enrolling in any out-of-department course for which they wish to receive SJE credit.

  • Thesis (dissertation in practice). Students submit a thesis and defend it at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination. The thesis (dissertation in practice) is the culminating component of the EdD degree in Social Justice Education that shall include an identification and investigation of a problem of practice, the application of theory and research to the problem of practice, and a design for action to address the problem of practice. Specifically, the thesis (dissertation in practice) is expected to be the product of original research, designed and implemented in the form of an innovative, impactful, and potentially sustainable plan, policy, guideline, advocacy or activism model, relevant to an educational setting, broadly defined, and aimed at improving practice on a local, regional, national or international scale.

  • Students may begin their studies on a part-time basis. However, they must register full-time for a minimum of two consecutive sessions, not including Summer, of on-campus study. Once enrolled full-time, students must maintain continuous registration full-time and pay full-time fees until all degree requirements, including the thesis, are completed.

Mode of Delivery: In person, Hybrid
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous); 6 years part-time
Time Limit: 6 years full-time; 6 years part-time