CTL3034H: New Literacies: Making Multiple Meanings


"New Literacies: Making Multiple Meanings" is a graduate seminar for masters and doctoral students interested in exploring issues and research literature in the field of literacy. This course takes up the notion that literacy is not singular, but multiple and ideological: diverse social practices that are embedded in local contexts. The course is designed as a collaborative inquiry into uses and associations that "literacy" has in particular educational projects and contexts. Using a seminar format, we will look at theoretical and empirical literature as well as examples from practice to explore the social functions of literacy in work, home, and school settings, with an eye toward how these conversations and ideas can be useful for researching, theorizing, and teaching in our own areas of interest. We examine new and historical developments in New Literacy Studies, multiliteracies, multimodality, critical literacy, as well as practitioner and activist traditions, and other work that considers literacy in relation to critical, social, political, technological, and educational factors.

Note: CTL3034H-New Literacies: Making Multiple Meanings, is cross-listed between LLE and C&P and therefore also counts towards C&P program requirements.

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
In Class